
...keeps the blues away.

Our journey to parenthood.

Friday, April 1, 2011

60 Day Sizzlin Summer Slimdown Challenge

So I'm doing this challenge at my gym. Everyone does a fitness assessment at the beginning, and gets weight and measurements done and before pics taken. Then after 60 days we do another fitness assessment, more measurements and pics, and they look at our progress. There is a prize of $500 to the winner!!! And runner up prizes of $200 I think. I'm determined to win something.

So for the fitness assessment I had to do strength exercises and cardio. Here are the exercises plus my results:

MAX pushups: 0 (I suck, I know. lol)
MAX situps: 12 (ok that's better than 0)
Plank (that's where you rest on your arms with your elbows bent 90degrees and your feet stretched back together. You hold yourself up using your abs): 35 seconds

CARDIO (all done one after the other and timed)
5 burpees (that's where you jump up with your hands in the air, then drop down to your hands and feet like you're going to do a pushup)
5 suicide sprints (that's running across the room and touching the floor with one hand. That counts as one. You just run back and forth across the room)
20 speed skaters (that's where you have your left hand in the air, while bending down and touching your left foot with your right hand, while crossing your right foot behind the left foot. I know it sounds confusing. lol)
5 side shuffles (that's where you go into squat position and shuffle sideways across the room. It's the same distance as the sprints. Going across the room counts as one)
40 jumping jacks (self-explanatory)
frog hops across the room (basically how it sounds. You sort of squat with your hands touching the floor in front of you and hop across the room)
20 pile jacks (that's where you jump down to squating position while putting your arms out straight forward together, then jump back to standing position with your hands at your sides.)
I did all that in 6.5 minutes.

I am friggin dead now. I finished at about 8:15 am. It's 3:45pm and my chest still hurts. I am definitely out of shape.

So let's see how much I improve after 60 days!!!


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