
...keeps the blues away.

Our journey to parenthood.

About Me

My name is Alyson.
I live in Canada.
I love animals. We have 2 furbabies: Killer, who is almost 6, and she is a chihuahua/poodle; and Chewie, who is almost 1, and he is a pomeranian/pug/chihuahua. We also have a fur angelbaby, Mr. Kitty, who died in 2012.
I have been married to my wonderful husband since September 2009.
Here's a little info on our TTC journey so far:
~Started TTC Aug 2009
~Started testing Sept 2010
B/W and U/S- all good, except borderline type 2 diabetes
SA- normal count, normal motility, but only 3% normal morphology
GP put us on waiting list for Fertility Clinic (6-8 month wait)
~Sept 1st, 2011- first appointment at the Fertility Clinic(need more tests)
~Sept 30th, 2011-HSG test-> all clear
~Oct 13th, 2011- Fertility Clinic Follow-up appointment. Results:
Me-Impaired Fasting Glucose and Insulin Resistance. Prescribed Metformin and Clomid
-Everything else all clear and good
DH-New SA all good. Normal count, normal motility, good morphology(now at 7%)
Dx Unexplained Infertility
~3 cycles of Clomid and TI
~IUI #1 w/ Clomid- Jan 23/2012- BFN
~IUI #2 w/ Clomid- Feb 19/2012- BFN
~IUI #3 w/ Clomid- Mar 16/2012...Apr 1 hCG level was 8, very faint + w/ ClearBlue test...Apr 2 @ 5am-BFN w/ generic test...Apr 2 @ 9pm-BFN w/ ClearBlue...Apr 3- spotting and cramping. Doc appt Apr 5--> confirmed chemical pregnancy
~IUI #4 w/Clomid- May 16/2012- BFN
~IUI #5 w/ Clomid- Jun 11/2012- BFN
~IUI#6 Jul. 6/2012 w/ Gonal-F 75units + Ovidrel =BFN
~TI w/ Gonal-F 75units + Ovidrel =BFN
~IUI#7 Aug. 28/2012 w/ Gonal-F 125units + Ovidrel =BFN
~Break cycle=BFN
~IUI#8 Oct. 20/2012 w/ Gonal-F 125units + Ovidrel + Progesterone =BFN
~IUI#9 Nov. 13/2012 w/ Gonal-F 150units + Ovidrel + Acupuncture + Progesterone =BFN
~TTC naturally until we can get in for IVF
~More testing:
AFC (Antral Follicle Count) = 8 follicles on one side, 9 on the other
SIS (Saline Infusion Sonohysterogram) = uterus all good
New SA = only 3% morphology again, so the clinic recommends ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) when we do IVF
~Starting IVF cycle w/ Gonal-F 300units + Luveris 75units daily, Feb. 21-25/2013
~I have also been doing acupuncture regularly once a week, but will now be going twice a week; and Circle + Bloom meditations at home.
~Egg Retrieval- Mar. 3/2013= 9 eggs retrieved
~Fertilization Update- Mar. 4/2013- 7 mature, 7 fertilized with ICSI,  will be doing day 5 ET
~Embryo Update, Day 3- Mar. 6/2013- All 7 embryos are fragmenting so we need to do day 3 ET today
~Embryo Transfer- Mar. 6/2013- Transfer of 2 embryos. One is 5 cell, grade 2, 15% fragmentation. One is 6 cell, grade 3, 20% fragmentation, but compacted. Assisted Hatching was done on both.
The other 5: one has >50% fragmentation so it probably won't be viable to freeze, one has 50% fragmentation and also probably won't be viable to freeze, the other 3 had 15-20% fragmentation. Hopeful that those ones will make it to freeze.
~Embryo Update, Day 5- none of the embryos made it :(
~March 17/2013: BFN with ClearBlue. Beta #1= 11...Yay BFP. Also faint BFP with FRER in the evening.
~March 18/2013: Faint BFP with FRER in morning and one in the evening.
~March 19/2013: BFN with Rexall Drugstore brand test. Beta #2= rise :(
~March 21/2013: Beta #3= 5...chemical pregnancy :'(
~IVF#2 w/ Menopur 450units + Orgalutron + Acupuncture 1/week + no alcohol/caffeine for a month prior and during IVF cycle
~Egg Retrieval- May 27/2013= 8 eggs retrieved
~Fertilization Update- May 28/2013= 3 mature; using ICSI, 1 fertilized, 1 maybe fertilized, and 1 didn't
~Day 3 Embryo Transfer- May 30/2013= only 1 embryo to transfer. 6 cell, grade 2, less than 10% fragmentation. Assisted Hatching done.
~June 7/2013: BFN with dollar store test
~June 8/2013: BFN with dollar store test
~June 9/2013: BFN with FRER
~Beta will be on June 10/2013

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