I got a new job!!! I was so down on Friday because I found out I didn't get a job I really want. I was really pessimistic and felt like giving up on job hunting. Then the next day I snapped out if it and started looking elsewhere. On Sunday, my mom's friend suggested a job for me to apply to. So I went in yesterday to hand in my resume and after I left the called me to schedule an interview for today. I went in for the interview and got hired right away!!!! It's only part-time but pays $1.25 more per hr than my current part-time job, so that's good. So for the time being, I will work both part-time jobs until something else comes along, or if I get more hrs at the new job!
Also, I'm an Independent Consultant for a company, which means I have my own home business where I do sales. I never really worked very hard at it so I've never really made any money from it. Just recently I started showing more interest in it. Today I made a plan to move forward with it and apparently I could be making $3000/month with it if I just actually tried. So there's that.
On another note, I'm trying to be really positive while in my 2WW right now. I started getting shooting cramps in the left side, probably near my left ovary, at 4dpo. That pain alternated with a dull cramp in the top of my pelvic area, just below my tummy. Also starting at 4dpo was the lower back pain. I've been having all of this off and on since 4dpo and I'm at 8dpo right now. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high that I'm pg, but it's really hard. My LP is anywhere from 10-12 days so I guess I will find out somewhere between Friday and Sunday. Maybe everything will be looking up this week!!!!! *fingers crossed*
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